vineri, 8 mai 2009

Next events and trainings

Hey everyone,

There are some changes in the next weeks program regarding the trainings delivered at World Citizenship.

On the 12th of May, at the "Petru Maior" University cabana, week-end we are having the 1st dance session with Punya, starting from 18:00.

On the 13th of May, again at the cabana in week-end, session delivered by Punya and Liviu, Szabi and Reka, starting from 16:00, and we are waiting for all the pupils from all the highschools to be there ;)

We will enjoy more the atmosphere from week-end, so on the 14th of May we are having another dance session with Punya in the cabana, starting from 18:00.

For those who don't know, Punya is also a dance instructor back in India, Mumbai ;)

But the fun doesn't end here, and on the 16th we are going to play some paint ball ;) Please, if you want to join us send an email to or to untill the 13th of May.

And on the 17th we would like to propose to everyone a nice outing for a piknik, to a forest in Tg-Mures. With more information regarding it, we will be back ;)

These were the updates regarding the trainings, and now scroll down and you will find the power point used in the last session, Cultural sensitivity and anti-discrimination!

Enjoy it to the max and see you soon ;)
World Citizenship team

Cultural sensitivity and anti-discrimination part1

Cultural sensitivity and anti-discrimination part 2

Cultural sensitivity and anti-discrimination part 3

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