Hey everyone,
Most of your were asking us about the last pictures from World Citizenship, finally we have them and you as well ;)
There is the link an a good advice : use it wisely ;)
Stay tuned for other projects that will be just for you, all we can say is that Shape you Future, Sustainable development for the community and other will be just for you ;)
Best of luck and nice summer
World Citizenship team
marți, 30 iunie 2009
marți, 19 mai 2009
What is Global Village?
Global Village it's the opportunity for everyone to visit more then one country in the same day, to experience their culture, their traditional clothes and food, to see the interesting facts about the country it self.
But, this is not all: there will be also games and contests where everybody can participate and win prizes offered by AIESEC Targu Mures.
So if you are curious what's a foreign country like and want to taste different spices from India, or hear the national anthem of Brazil, Vietnam or Italy, you are really welcome to join us.
Place: Unirea High School
Date: 21st of May
Hour: 15:30
For the pupils who participate to the session, we are waiting for you in UPMs caban, from 16:00, week-end on the 20th of May.
Warm hug from the World Citizenship team.
But, this is not all: there will be also games and contests where everybody can participate and win prizes offered by AIESEC Targu Mures.
So if you are curious what's a foreign country like and want to taste different spices from India, or hear the national anthem of Brazil, Vietnam or Italy, you are really welcome to join us.
Place: Unirea High School
Date: 21st of May
Hour: 15:30
For the pupils who participate to the session, we are waiting for you in UPMs caban, from 16:00, week-end on the 20th of May.
Warm hug from the World Citizenship team.
luni, 18 mai 2009
duminică, 17 mai 2009
Dances is one again ;)
Yes everyone , the dancing goes on, just because you asked for it ;)
It's from 18:00, Monday 18.05.2009 in the university cabane ... HIP HOP! ;)
See you all there ;)
WoCi Team
PS: we will be back with all the pics in 24h ;)
It's from 18:00, Monday 18.05.2009 in the university cabane ... HIP HOP! ;)
See you all there ;)
WoCi Team
PS: we will be back with all the pics in 24h ;)
vineri, 8 mai 2009
Next events and trainings
Hey everyone,
There are some changes in the next weeks program regarding the trainings delivered at World Citizenship.
On the 12th of May, at the "Petru Maior" University cabana, week-end we are having the 1st dance session with Punya, starting from 18:00.
On the 13th of May, again at the cabana in week-end, session delivered by Punya and Liviu, Szabi and Reka, starting from 16:00, and we are waiting for all the pupils from all the highschools to be there ;)
We will enjoy more the atmosphere from week-end, so on the 14th of May we are having another dance session with Punya in the cabana, starting from 18:00.
For those who don't know, Punya is also a dance instructor back in India, Mumbai ;)
But the fun doesn't end here, and on the 16th we are going to play some paint ball ;) Please, if you want to join us send an email to punya_19@hotmail.com or to reka.ujfalvi@gmail.com untill the 13th of May.
And on the 17th we would like to propose to everyone a nice outing for a piknik, to a forest in Tg-Mures. With more information regarding it, we will be back ;)
These were the updates regarding the trainings, and now scroll down and you will find the power point used in the last session, Cultural sensitivity and anti-discrimination!
Enjoy it to the max and see you soon ;)
World Citizenship team
Cultural sensitivity and anti-discrimination part1
Cultural sensitivity and anti-discrimination part 2
Cultural sensitivity and anti-discrimination part 3
There are some changes in the next weeks program regarding the trainings delivered at World Citizenship.
On the 12th of May, at the "Petru Maior" University cabana, week-end we are having the 1st dance session with Punya, starting from 18:00.
On the 13th of May, again at the cabana in week-end, session delivered by Punya and Liviu, Szabi and Reka, starting from 16:00, and we are waiting for all the pupils from all the highschools to be there ;)
We will enjoy more the atmosphere from week-end, so on the 14th of May we are having another dance session with Punya in the cabana, starting from 18:00.
For those who don't know, Punya is also a dance instructor back in India, Mumbai ;)
But the fun doesn't end here, and on the 16th we are going to play some paint ball ;) Please, if you want to join us send an email to punya_19@hotmail.com or to reka.ujfalvi@gmail.com untill the 13th of May.
And on the 17th we would like to propose to everyone a nice outing for a piknik, to a forest in Tg-Mures. With more information regarding it, we will be back ;)
These were the updates regarding the trainings, and now scroll down and you will find the power point used in the last session, Cultural sensitivity and anti-discrimination!
Enjoy it to the max and see you soon ;)
World Citizenship team
Cultural sensitivity and anti-discrimination part1
Cultural sensitivity and anti-discrimination part 2
Cultural sensitivity and anti-discrimination part 3
miercuri, 6 mai 2009
The Efficient communication presentation and pictures from the sessions
Hey everyone,
Below you can find the Effective communication session part 1 and part 2. Also feel free to use the pictures and download them :)
Effective communication part 1 :
Effective communication part 2:
The pictures:
See you all soon,
World Citizenship team
luni, 4 mai 2009
World Citizenship continues on ...
Hey everyone,
We are back with fresh information about the upcoming trainings.
On the 5th of May, the training will be held in Economic high school starting from 16:00 and on the 6th on Sincai high school from 14:00.
The theme for this time is: Cultural understanding and anti-discrimination delivered by Punya and Reka.
Regarding the Effective communication training, the slides will be uploaded on the blog so everyone can have them and also, there will be some of the pictures on ;)
Don't forget to check the blog each time so you can read the fresh information about the trainings and activities.
Also, Punya is still waiting for your question, inputs, feedback. You can contact her at: punya_19@hotmail.com .
Best regards,
World Citizenship team
We are back with fresh information about the upcoming trainings.
On the 5th of May, the training will be held in Economic high school starting from 16:00 and on the 6th on Sincai high school from 14:00.
The theme for this time is: Cultural understanding and anti-discrimination delivered by Punya and Reka.
Regarding the Effective communication training, the slides will be uploaded on the blog so everyone can have them and also, there will be some of the pictures on ;)
Don't forget to check the blog each time so you can read the fresh information about the trainings and activities.
Also, Punya is still waiting for your question, inputs, feedback. You can contact her at: punya_19@hotmail.com .
Best regards,
World Citizenship team
luni, 27 aprilie 2009
Timeline of the trainings
Hey everyone,
We've promised most of you thatthe agenda of the trainings will be available on the blog.
So here it is, for you to be more easier to make your agenda.
Official opening: 29th of April at the "Petru Maior" University Caban at the Week-End place from 16:00 to 20:00.
30th of April - 16:00 - 20:00 "Petru Maior" University Caban
5th of May - 16:00 - 20:00 Economic high school
6th of May - 16:00 - 20:00 Sincai high school
12th of May - 16:00 - 20:00 Economic high school
13th of May - 16:00 - 20:00 Sincai high school
19th of May - 16:00 - 20:00 Economic high school
20th of May - 16:00 20:00 Sincai high school
Fun events:
9th and 14th May Indian and West dance classes
10th of May - Piknik
21st of May - Global Village - interaction with more countries in the same time :)
We would like to say that all this is free, no financial investment is needed :)
We are still waiting for your application trough this link:
Best regards,
World Citizenship team
We've promised most of you thatthe agenda of the trainings will be available on the blog.
So here it is, for you to be more easier to make your agenda.
Official opening: 29th of April at the "Petru Maior" University Caban at the Week-End place from 16:00 to 20:00.
30th of April - 16:00 - 20:00 "Petru Maior" University Caban
5th of May - 16:00 - 20:00 Economic high school
6th of May - 16:00 - 20:00 Sincai high school
12th of May - 16:00 - 20:00 Economic high school
13th of May - 16:00 - 20:00 Sincai high school
19th of May - 16:00 - 20:00 Economic high school
20th of May - 16:00 20:00 Sincai high school
Fun events:
9th and 14th May Indian and West dance classes
10th of May - Piknik
21st of May - Global Village - interaction with more countries in the same time :)
We would like to say that all this is free, no financial investment is needed :)
We are still waiting for your application trough this link:
Best regards,
World Citizenship team
duminică, 26 aprilie 2009
World Citizeship in online media
Hey there dear readers,
Here are some links were you can read more about the project online media
Site Citynews:
Blog Informatia de mures:
Site Informatia de Mures:
Enjoy it to the max!
Best regads
World Citizenship team
joi, 23 aprilie 2009
Updates regarding the opening of the project!
Hi everyone who is reading the World Citizenship blog ;)
Due to some logistical issues the project will start on the 29th of April.
It will take place at "Petru Maior" University Cabana, from Week-End. ( look for a green building ;) ), from 16:00.
The 1st day the agenda will be:
1. Team Building - a huge one ;)
2. Training about Communication with Punya ;)
For any questions or inputs please don't hesitate to contact us, you can leave in the comment place or email to: targumures.ro@aiesec.net. Also our yahoo messenger ID is: woci2008@yahoo.com
Best regard and see you soon,
World Citizenship team
Due to some logistical issues the project will start on the 29th of April.
It will take place at "Petru Maior" University Cabana, from Week-End. ( look for a green building ;) ), from 16:00.
The 1st day the agenda will be:
1. Team Building - a huge one ;)
2. Training about Communication with Punya ;)
For any questions or inputs please don't hesitate to contact us, you can leave in the comment place or email to: targumures.ro@aiesec.net. Also our yahoo messenger ID is: woci2008@yahoo.com
Best regard and see you soon,
World Citizenship team
sâmbătă, 18 aprilie 2009
joi, 16 aprilie 2009
World Citizenship on www.youtube.com as well ! Inscrieri pana la data de 28 Aprilie 2009!
Inscrierile se fac pana in data de 28 Aprilie ora 23:59 pe www.aiesecms.ro, sau da click direct pe logo-ul World Citizenship ( pe partea dreapta ).
Pe aceasta cale multumim restaurantului Borsalinio, TTM-ului si Informatiei de Mures pentru sustinere!
Echipa World Citizenship
Pe aceasta cale multumim restaurantului Borsalinio, TTM-ului si Informatiei de Mures pentru sustinere!
Echipa World Citizenship
sâmbătă, 11 aprilie 2009
Punya - stagiarul international din India special pentru World Citizenship!
Si cine este ea?

Ea este Punya stagiarul international din India, special pentru proiectul World Citizensip.
Ce fel de trainingrui va sustine ea:
1. Comunicare
2. Anti discriminare
3. Senzitivitate culturala
4. Dezvoltare personala
Deschidere oficiala a proiectului v-a avea loc in Cabana universitatii Petru Maior, in data de 23 si 24 Aprilie, de la ora 16:00.
Echipa Worl Citizenship va asteapta cu drag!

Ea este Punya stagiarul international din India, special pentru proiectul World Citizensip.
Ce fel de trainingrui va sustine ea:
1. Comunicare
2. Anti discriminare
3. Senzitivitate culturala
4. Dezvoltare personala
Deschidere oficiala a proiectului v-a avea loc in Cabana universitatii Petru Maior, in data de 23 si 24 Aprilie, de la ora 16:00.
Echipa Worl Citizenship va asteapta cu drag!
miercuri, 8 aprilie 2009
Proiectul World Citizenship
Primavara 2009
Proiectul ELEV AL LUMII urmăreşte dezvoltarea elevilor din mai multe licee din Tîrgu Mureş, prin oferirea de traininguri pe antreprenoriat, cunostinţe privind realitatea globală actuală, îmbunătăţirea abilităţilor personale şi profesionale.
Elevi de clasa a X-a si a XI-a vor participa la un program de dezvoltare personală şi profesională ce cuprinde următoarele module : Evaluare personală, Inţelegerea realităţilor actuale, Îmbunătăţirea abilităţilor personale şi profesionale, Managementul timpului, Managementul echipei, Leadership, Idei de afaceri, Managementul proiectelor, Planificarea carierei, Inteligenţă Emoţională, Responsabilitate Socială şi altele.
Elevii participanţi la acest program (min.100 de persoane) vor beneficia de traininguri organizate şi ţinute de cinci stagiari AIESEC, studenţi străini cu experienţă în training şi/sau predare, membri ai echipei de traineri AIESEC Tîrgu Mureş, reprezentanţi ai ONG-urilor şi companiilor tîrgumureşene.
Primavara 2009
Proiectul ELEV AL LUMII urmăreşte dezvoltarea elevilor din mai multe licee din Tîrgu Mureş, prin oferirea de traininguri pe antreprenoriat, cunostinţe privind realitatea globală actuală, îmbunătăţirea abilităţilor personale şi profesionale.
Elevi de clasa a X-a si a XI-a vor participa la un program de dezvoltare personală şi profesională ce cuprinde următoarele module : Evaluare personală, Inţelegerea realităţilor actuale, Îmbunătăţirea abilităţilor personale şi profesionale, Managementul timpului, Managementul echipei, Leadership, Idei de afaceri, Managementul proiectelor, Planificarea carierei, Inteligenţă Emoţională, Responsabilitate Socială şi altele.
Elevii participanţi la acest program (min.100 de persoane) vor beneficia de traininguri organizate şi ţinute de cinci stagiari AIESEC, studenţi străini cu experienţă în training şi/sau predare, membri ai echipei de traineri AIESEC Tîrgu Mureş, reprezentanţi ai ONG-urilor şi companiilor tîrgumureşene.
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